Paisley Protest

Cork 32 County Sovereignty Movement Statement 18th April 2008

Ian Paisley Visit To Cobh.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement would like to clarify the reasons for our protest against the visit of Stormont First Minister Ian Paisley to the Commodore Hotel in Cobh on Friday the 18th April. We wish to make clear that we are not protesting against the individual but against a man who for years has played a major role in administering British Rule in Ireland. Our motives for protesting are the same as when we successfully protested against the presence of RUC/PSNI Chief Hugh Orde at the Rochestown Hotel in September 2007 as a guest of the Rotary Club.

Mr. Paisleys apparent turn around from his ‘Never, Never, Never’ declaration and ‘Ulster Says No’ stance is evidence in itself that this entire process offers nothing to Irish republicans. It is a process to underpin British Parliamentary activity in our country. It is the embodiment of the Unionist Veto.

In recent years we have become accustomed to the term ‘dissident republicans’ being applied to those who reject the Good Friday and St Andrews Agreements. But we take our lead from the 1916 Proclamation and our Declaration of Independence and are content that we have in no way dissented from their lawful assertions. We say to those who have embraced partition that the title ‘dissident’ belongs to them.

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement’s goal is the establishment of a sovereign Irish Republic which would facilitate our right to self determination and allow all of the people of the island to be self governed without external interference. To date successive British governments have failed to recognize Irish sovereignty and this failure remains the cause of conflict in our country. We seek a public declaration from the British government of its intent to leave Ireland completely and permanently.
