Heroin Scourge

BALLINDERRY PARK HEROIN DILEMMA - The 32 County Sovereignty Movement is now well established in Cork and is widely recognised for its anti drug stance by the People of Cork. The good people of Ballinderry Park and the surrounding area appear to be under siege from this criminal vermin who deal death to our children without conscience or consequence. The Cork Branch of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement are now monitoring the situation and are available to talk with genuine residents and will offer assistance in any way we can. We can be contacted by e-mail 32csm@hotmail.com. CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED. BEIR BUA.


fenian said…
name and shame the scum !!!
Many thanks for march which took place yesterday-16 september late evening.For normal people who care about their families and children a good dealer is a dead dealer.We cannot wait for more action like that. Ballinderry Park Residents.