PSNI/MI5 tracking and listening devices discovered in local 32csm activist's car.

PSNI/MI5 tracking and listening devices discovered in local 32csm activist's car

A member of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement has recently found what is thought to be two wireless listening bluetooth type devices and what appears to be a tracking device hidden in various parts of his car.
The objects were discovered within 20 minutes of the Republican activist being subjected to harassment by local RUC/PSNI officers under the draconian stop and search legislation.
The items were secreted on the underside of the Driver's seat,underneath carpet in the rear passenger footwell and affixed behind the rear seats.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement would ask all to check their cars thoroughly and would reiterate our call to all Republicans to remain vigilant and notify your local branch of the 32csm of any suspicious objects or approaches.


Kevin Hester said…
Check your cars comrades. Don't be offended if you haven't been bugged! ;-)